‘Scaramouche’, written by Rafael Sabatini, follows the story of Andre-Louis Moreau: a lawyer raised in nobility during the French Revolution. Initially, Andre-Louis did not care for the concerns of France’s lower class regarding the inequality of the country’s social and economic standards. This, however, changed when his friend was mercilessly ‘murdered’ by a member of the higher class for his eloquence in speech when addressing the subject of the French Revolution. Andre-Louis swears to continue fighting in favor of the the revolution on his dead friend’s behalf. The main character wins over a large audience by using his gift of persuasion and oratory. After a series of events, Andre-Louis decides to stay with a group of actors and takes on the role of ‘Scaramouche’, a comedic character who speaks out about serious matter. Throughout the story, the readers are given valuable information about the widely studied topic that is the French Revolution.
This book in particular is a historical fiction literary piece with a plot revolving around the French Revolution. The way the story was carried out was truly entertaining as well as educational. One would assume, especially if one is not interested in history, that if a book is both educational and entertaining, some facts were probably twisted in order to make the story interesting. That is not the case with Scaramouche. As far as the reader is concerned, when the book provides factual information about the topic at hand, that is all they are: facts, not theories. Although Scaramouche is an interesting book to read, it is not always easy. There is the occasional sentence that happens to be five lines long with seven different things happening at the same time. There is also the problem with the usage of words in the story that are no longer used in modern day language. But the author does succeed in other aspects of the story, such as the good characterization and the entertaining plot line.
As a whole, Scaramouche was a major success. The author has a great writing style, even though it may be difficult to read at time. You can be assured, however, that the interesting plot will most definitely make up for it. If anyone is interested in reading about the French Revolution without the usual bore that comes with reading a historical book, Scaramouche is the book for you.
This book in particular is a historical fiction literary piece with a plot revolving around the French Revolution. The way the story was carried out was truly entertaining as well as educational. One would assume, especially if one is not interested in history, that if a book is both educational and entertaining, some facts were probably twisted in order to make the story interesting. That is not the case with Scaramouche. As far as the reader is concerned, when the book provides factual information about the topic at hand, that is all they are: facts, not theories. Although Scaramouche is an interesting book to read, it is not always easy. There is the occasional sentence that happens to be five lines long with seven different things happening at the same time. There is also the problem with the usage of words in the story that are no longer used in modern day language. But the author does succeed in other aspects of the story, such as the good characterization and the entertaining plot line.
As a whole, Scaramouche was a major success. The author has a great writing style, even though it may be difficult to read at time. You can be assured, however, that the interesting plot will most definitely make up for it. If anyone is interested in reading about the French Revolution without the usual bore that comes with reading a historical book, Scaramouche is the book for you.