9:00 PM

Hi guys! I'm really excited to be this week's feature in in Parajunkee and Alison Can Read's Feature and Follow Friday

Book character(s) you'd like to see with their own twitter page:
Sherlock Holmes. The sarcasm would be endless.


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  1. Sherlock is a great pick. That would be great to see all the things he would post, if he figured out how to use it. Happy Friday!
    New GFC
    Brittney @ Reviews from a Dreamer

  2. Haha, that would be pretty epic! Have a good weekend. =)

    New bloglovin follower!

  3. *sorry if this posts twice or wrong!*

    Congrats on the feature! And I can totally see that, I haven't read the books, but I've seen some TV and movie adaptations! Here's my FF!

  4. Grt choice :)
    Congrats on getting featured :)
    New GFC and G+ follower

    My FF
    -Nikita @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

  5. Yes, he would certainly be very entertaining!
    New GFC follower.
    My FF: http://booksojourner.blogspot.com/2014/09/feature-follow-21-book-characters-on.html

  6. Congratulations on being featured! I hadn't thought of Sherlock Holmes, but I wish I had. Great choice!

  7. I forgot to tell you I'm a new bloglovin follower. My F&F.

  8. I definitely agree with Sherlock! Congrats on being featured :) New bloglovin follower!

    Here's my F&F!

  9. Congratulations on the feature! New follower!

  10. Congrats on being the Featured Blogger this week!
    Sherlock's a great pick! BTW, I'm a new GFC follower!

    Here's my F&F!
    Amanda, Fandomly Bookish

  11. Congrats on the feature. New follower.

  12. Great choice- I'm just imagining Benedict Cumberbatch on Twitter- and it would be BRILLIANT!

    New BL Follower:) Hope you can stop by mine.

    Aditi @ http://athousandwordsamillionbooks.blogspot.in/2014/09/feature-and-follow-friday-2.html

  13. I haven't read any Sherlock Holmes stuff, but if he has that kind of personality, I would love to follow him too!!

    new follower!

    I have LOTS of giveaways on my blog!! I have 10 different ones going that end soon! Head on over and click on my sidebar to the giveaways going on! Get your entries in before it's too late!!

    My FF

    Amber @ Paradise of Pages
